Display a progress bar displaying the estimated time. The purpose of having various estimation methods is to provide a more accurate estimation when the run time between ticks is assumed to be different, e.g., online estimation, time series cross validation, expanding window approach, etc.
lazyProgressBar(n, method = "average", fn = NULL, ...)
n | Integer. Total number of ticks |
method | Character. The embedded forecasting method of remaining time:
fn | Function. User defined function to estimate the remaining time.
The function should predict the remaining time using the arguments and
return a scalar.
It should have at least three arguments in the order of
... | Other arguments to pass to estimation method. The arguments need to be named. |
An R6 object with methods tick()
and print()
Four simple forecasting methods are available for
the estimation of the remaining time:
Average method (default), Drift method, Naive method and
Seasonal naive method.
For the summary of the simple methods, see Chapter 3 of References
User can also supply their customised estimation method as a function.
See Arguments
and Examples
Hyndman, R.J., & Athanasopoulos, G. (2018) Forecasting: principles and practice, 2nd edition, OTexts: Melbourne, Australia. OTexts.com/fpp2. Accessed on 24/04/2020.
# \donttest{ pb <- lazyProgressBar(4) pb$tick() pb$tick() pb$tick() pb$tick() # With linearly increasing run time pb <- lazyProgressBar(4, method = "drift") for(i in 1:4){ Sys.sleep(i * 0.2) pb$tick()$print() } # With user defined forecast function # The forecast function itself will # require certain computational power forecast_fn <- function(dtime, i, n, s = 10){ # When the number of ticks is smaller than s # Estimate the future run time # as the average of the past if(i<s){ eta <- mean(dtime)*(n-i) } # When the number of ticks is larger than s # Fit an arima model every s ticks # using forecast package if(i>=s){ if(i %% s ==0){ model <- forecast::auto.arima(dtime) } runtime <- forecast::forecast(model, h=n-i)$mean if(i %% s !=0){ runtime <- runtime[-seq_len(i %% s)] } eta <- sum(runtime) } return(eta) } pb <- lazyProgressBar(10, fn = forecast_fn, s=3) for(i in 1:10){ Sys.sleep(i * 0.2) pb$tick()$print() } # }